Throughout its years of experience in AOCS software development, NGC has created several tools to optimise and automate the AOCS software development and validation process. These tools are used daily by NGC in its AOCS software design activities.
Satellite Dynamics Simulator
The satellite dynamics simulator, also referred to as the Real-World Software (RWSW), is a Matlab/Simulink simulator used by NGC for its AOCS software development and validation. The RWSW is the representation, in a computer simulation environment, of the sensors, dynamics and actuators of the satellite as well as the dynamics or kinematics of other bodies (Sun, Earth, etc.) that have an impact on the dynamics of the satellite. The dynamics modelling of the satellite also includes the environmental perturbations acting on the satellite translation and attitude: non-spherical gravitational field of the Earth, gravity gradients, solar radiation pressure, air drag, etc.